Mobpartner Guide
MobPartner - Cheetah Ad Platform,; SCIMOB,; MobilOpen. It can solve critical problems and can guide these colleagues in event of problem. Acquire and Engage Customers with Mobile Performance Marketing. Cheetah Media Link is the #1 mobile marketing solution for apps that need profitable results. Feb 17, 2012 - RINGTONE Media buyer is paid $ 7.00 per action for theCAMPAIGN ringtone campaign offered by MobPartner. Media buyer purchases.
. Other guides in this series: The guide to mobile advertising networks Welcome to the mobiThinking guide to mobile advertising networks. This is the only place advertisers and publishers can get the real and detailed information required when choosing an ad network to run their mobile campaign or monetize their mobile Web site or app. All data is supplied directly by the networks.
MobiThinking is working on the 2014 version of the guide. We would like to hear your recommendations as mobile advertisers or publishers for mobile ad networks that should be profiled in this version of the guide.
Mobpartner Guidelines

Find out more. Three facts you need to know about mobile ad networks:. No ad network is dominant. This is still a very fragmented market. There are more than a dozen mobile ad networks in the US alone. No one really knows which ad networks are the biggest.
Any figures you read about market share or revenue are estimates (though IDC has made a good effort with the, despite lack of disclosure from most networks). And as we all know, size isn’t everything. Mobile ad networks are not created alike.
Choose a partner (or a number of partners) that suits your requirements, target market, geography and budget. If you’re new to mobile ad networks, perhaps start with this step-by-step primer on picking a mobile ad network. Put the networks head-to-head on questions that matter to most to you: mobiThinking divides networks into three main categories, based on the business model.

At one extreme there are blind networks ( below), which mostly work on cost-per-click (CPC) basis; at the other extreme are those networks that focus on premium publishers, which mostly work on cost-per-thousand impressions, and then there are those in between. The 2012 version of this guide introduces two specialist categories to help advertisers that are searching for local advertising and affiliate or cost-per-action (CPA) advertising. Clearly there is some overlap between all categories.