David Eifrig Field Manual
The Doctor Protocol Field Manual, is this $20 device better than a gun? David Eifrig has produced what may be the most valuable book Doctor Protocol Field Manual in America today packed with dozens of secrets, ideas, and strategies, which can save you and your family in a time of crisis.
The doctor protocol field manual includes details on:. The four (4) antibiotics you must have in your home to protect your family from various plagues, epidemics and other bacterial outbreaks that can be deadly during times of crisis. Plus, the specifics on how to legally get and store these drugs. (page 48). The safest place to sit on any airplane, and the biggest mistake most people make in every crash. I guarantee you will never board a plane the same way again after you read this potentially life-saving information. (page 80).
What to do if you are in a public area and someone starts shooting. Odds are you’ll never need to use this technique, but don’t you think everyone should understand this technique, especially since it takes less than 30 seconds to learn? (page 87). The one thing you almost never find in people’s homes, which could truly save you in a fire. (page 78). The absolute best food for emergency situations?
David Eifrig Jr Biography
David Eifrig, Jr. I've packed The Doctor's Protocol Field Manual with dozens and dozens of techniques and secrets you aren't likely to hear about.
I’ve never seen this written about anywhere, but there’s one simple, long-lasting item that will give you all the nutrients you need. It’s the only surplus food supply Dr. Eifrig keeps in his home. (page 34). The most important thing you MUST do when anyone in your family is injured (even a minor injury), and you can’t seek medical attention. (page 47).

How to legally hide money and assets from the U.S. This could prove to be very important as our government gets more and more aggressive about seizing assets. (page 63). The single biggest “daily life” change survival experts make in their own lives. (page 76).
The 15 most important items that always disappear right away from every grocery store in a crisis. It’s always smart to have a small extra stockpile of these items at home, because they are guaranteed to be the first to go in any crisis. (page 36). And much, much more. After reading about a study involving 300 criminals, a Minnesota medical doctor recently revealed a simple way to thwart burglars with a small $20 device you can buy almost anywhere in America. Keep in mind: This has nothing to do with pepper spray, Tasers, knives, or anything dangerous like that. Yet it can stop burglars in their tracks, without resorting to violence or even an altercation.
If you want a totally, 100% safe way to reliably stop burglars, be sure to check this out.