Kia Mentor Workshop Manuals
There are 3 progressively difficult and expensive steps you can take. I have to assume that the Mentor is the same as a Sephia. First: Check the level of fluid in your brake/clutch canister.
It MIGHT have 2 separate canisters (like the 1995 Sephia.) But I doubt it. Second: Check your hydraulic clutch cable and the unit at the transaxle. It may need to be bled. Third (and most expensive): Replace your clutch and pressure plate. This is the most expensive as it requires removal of the engine. I hope this helps you find the source of your difficulties.
1999 Kia Mentor Workshop Manual

Where can I get a workshop manual for a 1997 kia mentor - Answered by a verified Kia Mechanic. Kia Magentis Workshop Service Repair Manual 2001 to 2011 £9.95 Kia Mentor Workshop Service Repair Manual 1993 to 2004 £9.95. Pals provider manual changes 2018. Kia Opirus Workshop.
Kia service manuals are readily downloadable from this site for no cost. When you think of the saving that a good service manual can represent for you as a driver, this is worth bearing in mind – just print it out and keep it anywhere you might need it – it may enable you to make the repairs yourself.

Jun 02, 2014.