Tri Wave Overseeder Manual
TriWave 45 tow Behind Overseeder - the most versitile overseeder on the market. Jul 30, 2013 - All units are also available with manual or electronic control. Unlike other overseeders, Turfco's TriWave 40 quickly attaches to most turf. Tri Wave Overseeder Manual pdf available nowadays for download. Grab this Tri Wave Overseeder Manual ebook in PDF, ePub, doc, PDF, DjVu and txt file format.
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Fairway renovation converting Poa to Bentgrass ar Braintree Municipal Golf Course. Sprayed Round-Ip August 23, seeded 2 directions on September 14 with 100% Bent, Poa to Bent Conversion.
Brown, Braintree Municipal Golf Course, Director of Operations. 'The TriWave 60 is the best seeder on the market, period! It's floating heads and unique blades hug the terrain and apply the deired amount of seed in the slits for perfect germination and density.
We used it effectively on both our bentgrass fairways and bluegrass rough with no distruption to play. The TriWave 60 has been a game changer in our overseeding program.
I am happy to recommend this seeder for anyone who may be considering one.' – Fred Gehrisch, CGCS, Highland Falls Country Club. Receive a catalog, speak to a product expert, view a demonstration. Working directly with golf course superintendents, Turfco® designed the innovative TriWave™ 60 Overseeder. TriWave’s 1 1/2' seed spacing, combined with three independent floating heads, greatly increases germination by following the contours of the terrain for consistent seed depth. Its WaveBlade technology creates clean, optimal slit widths for better seed-to-soil contact while keeping turf disruption to a minimum.
A patent-pending delivery system places seed directly into the slit, reducing waste while further increasing germination. And, seed depth can be infinitely adjusted in the field to suit the needs of each situation. 60-inch application width combines with close, 1 1/2' spacing to give you the most productive, high-germination rate seeder available. Patented floating heads follow the ground contour—you won’t miss the low spots or destroy the high spots or unmarked sprinkler heads. Patented seed delivery system puts seed directly into the slit, reducing waste and increasing germination. Patented WaveBlade technology, counter-rotating at 900RPM, creates a clean, optimal square slit while minimizing turf disruption.
Patented depth adjustment allows for infinite, in-field adjustment to suit your specific needs, no tools required. Close 1 1/2' spacing increases germination with fewer passes. 'The TriWave 60 is the best seeder on the market, period! It's floating heads and unique blades hug the terrain and apply the desired amount of see into the slits for perfect germination and density.
Triwave Seeder Manual
We use it effectively on both our bentgrass fairways and bluegrass roughs with no disruption to play. The TriWave 60 has been a game changer in our overseeding program.'

Ryan Overseeder Manual
Fred Gehrisch, Highlands Falls Country Club, NC “The TriWave is the first overseeder that does exactly what we want it to do. That's something I've never been able to say about any other overseeder.” Dale Caldwell, Superintendent Minneapolis Golf Club, Minneapolis, MN.