Kawasaki 26 Hp Engine Manual

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  2. 26 Hp Kawasaki Engine Manual
Kawasaki 26 Hp Engine Manual

27 Hp Kawasaki Engine Problems

Does anyone have the repair manual for the Kawasaki FD731V that can tell me the pin out of the 6 pin wiring harness off the engine? I'm trying to make this run in my Scag Wildcat (engine repower from a Kohler to a Kawi) and I have the schematic for the mower, but I need to know where the six wires go on the engine. There were multiple wiring problems with this mower and I 'think' I fixed them all, but it still won't start? The starter clicks, but will not turn over. SO now I need to see if it's the mower, the engine, or my wiring Thanks in advance!


Fuel System, Briggs & Stratton 17.5/21 HP–S/N Prior to 12030001........ Engine, Briggs & Stratton 26 HP–S/N 12030001 & Higher................ We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.


26 Hp Kawasaki Engine Manual

Kasawaki Fh721V-DS29 25 HP V-Twin engine The first thing I noticed was the engine started running on 1 cylinder.I found out through process of elimination.it would actually run on either side by pulling the plug wire.that meant the firing was good.I swapped the coils to check.I had the compression checked as well.meaning the internal parts wee working correctly.valves.etc. This meant a gas problem.I took the carb off.cleaned it thoroughly.and put it back on.however.I dropped the part that holds the pin for the float and one side of the part broke off.since that time, The engine would completely flood, and I mean filling the heads full of gas.and even getting gas in the engine block. Through all this.when the engine did crank and run.it ran perfectly.but I couldn't cut it off.because it would take forever to get it started again. Through all this.I now need a new starter.(I replaced the solenoid already).I really don't know what to do about the carb.not knowing if replacing parts will cure this problem. My thinking is that a new carb would take care of this.but the cost seems to be way more than maybe necessary.please advise me on this.

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